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2024 Presidential Election Polls Biden Trump And Rfk Jr Compared

2024 Presidential Election Polls: Biden, Trump, and RFK Jr. Compared

See How the Candidates Stack Up

As the 2024 presidential election draws near, the race is heating up. Incumbent President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are all vying for the Democratic, Republican, and Green party nominations, respectively. Polls show that the race is close, with all three candidates within striking distance of victory.

Biden, Trump, and RFK Jr. Polling Data

According to a recent poll by ABC News/Washington Post, Biden leads the field with 39% of the vote, followed by Trump with 35% and RFK Jr. with 16%. The poll also found that Biden is the most popular candidate among Democratic voters, with 65% of Democrats saying they would support him in the primary. Trump is the most popular candidate among Republican voters, with 58% of Republicans saying they would support him in the primary.

Is Third-Party Support Real?

RFK Jr.'s strong polling numbers have raised questions about whether there is substantial support for third-party candidates in the 2024 election. Some analysts believe that RFK Jr.'s support is simply a protest vote against Biden and Trump, and that he will not be able to sustain his high poll numbers in the long run. Others believe that RFK Jr.'s support is a sign of growing dissatisfaction with the two major parties, and that he could pose a serious threat to Biden and Trump in the general election.


The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most closely contested in recent history. Biden, Trump, and RFK Jr. are all strong candidates, and it is too early to say who will ultimately prevail. The polls will continue to be closely watched in the coming months as the candidates make their case to voters.
