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Defiance In The Face Of Criticism

Defiance in the Face of Criticism

Unwilling to Accept Disapproval

Meaning of Defiance

Defiance is defined as "full of or showing a disposition to challenge, resist, or fight" or "full of or showing defiance." It implies a bold resistance to authority or an opposing force.

Examples of Defiance

Examples of defiant behavior include:

  • A child who refuses to follow their parents' rules
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  • A student who openly challenges their teacher's authority
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  • A politician who defies the expectations of their constituents
  • Causes of Defiance

    Defiance can stem from various causes, including:

  • A strong sense of independence or autonomy
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  • A belief that one's own values or beliefs are superior
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  • A perception of injustice or unfairness
  • Consequences of Defiance

    Defiant behavior can have both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side, it can demonstrate strength of character and independence. However, on the negative side, it can lead to conflict, punishment, or social isolation.
